Son of Dublin
Son of Dublin opened
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Thursday, March 9, 2017
120 West 69th Street, NYC

“Son of Dublin” Concert Celebrated An Irish-American Music Master’s Legacy!
Our “All Irish” season continues with a concert of music by Victor Herbert and an extra special dash of Dublin— music by the extraordinary Samuel Lover, Herbert’s maternal grandfather, the Irish music hall composer, poet, and philosopher.
Lover was a huge influence on Herbert — his 1835 novel Rory O’Moore provided the basis for the plot of Herbert’s 1917 romantic operetta Eileen, our upcoming season finale of VHRP LIVE!
A cast of phenomenal singers will perform a program of some 22 songs we know you’ll love, such as the sound of “Molly,” “Mary Came Over To Me,” and “Old Ireland Shall Be Free,” among a treasury of other works in this musical tribute to Herbert’s Irish heritage. An historically notable inclusion in the concert is “The Bards of Ireland,” a song cycle of old Irish airs arranged by Herbert in 1909 for the Annual St Patrick’s Day Dinner of The Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, attended by U.S. President William H. Taft.
The voices of “Son of Dublin” include Vira Slywotzky, Joanie Bittingham, Katherine Corle, Ross Brown, Richard Holmes, Anthony Maida, Jovani McCleary, Jason Robinette, and David Seatter. Musical direction and piano are by Michael Thomas; with libretto by Alyce Mott, and stage direction by Emily Cornelius.
“Son of Dublin” running time is approximately 90 minutes.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017, 8pm
Thursday, March 9, 2017, 8pm
Christ & St. Stephens Episcopal Church
120 W. 69th Street, Near Broadway
New York, NY 10023
““St. Patrick’s Day came a little early this year, courtesy of the always rewarding Victor Herbert Renaissance Project Live! Anyone who’s ever heard Victor Herbert’s 1917 operetta Eileen knows that when this most Irish of composers set his mind to honoring his ethnic heritage, he was at his unabashedly sincere and passionately romantic. So [Son of Dublin] an evening culled from his vast catalog of Irish material (including, yes, several from Eileen), was bound to be special, and indeed the concert was gorgeously melodic, sentimental, and heartfelt.”
HARRY FORBES, Forbes on Film and Footlights
Read the complete review on www.HarryForbes.com
““No, no, no, we are not angry.
Au contraire, we are absolutely tickled with VHRP LIVE!’s concert, Son of Dublin, given in anticipation of St. Patrick’s Day, presented a selection of [Victor Herbert] songs celebrating his Irish heritage… The ensemble work was in every instance delightful, particularly in the drinking song “The Cruiskeen Lawn” which was performed a cappella. The admirably crisp enunciation in solo pieces carried over and we understood every rowdy word.”
MECHE KROOP, Voce di Meche
Read the complete review on www.VocheDeMeche.com